15.12.2021 · In evidence


Since 1982 the team leaded by Bruno Reverberi has been a reference point for the growth of young Italian cyclists. In 2022 the project evolves and strengthens in an unprecedented way to be even more competitive in modern cycling and give more space and opportunities for growth to young riders.

The youth project of Bardiani CSF Faizanè grows and strengthens, in view of the 2022 season. Since 1982, the #GreenTeam has been at the forefront of the growth of young Italian athletes, embracing the philosophy of the green line. In 2022 the project will evolve with the aim of giving the right spaces and opportunities for growth to young talented riders, making the team even more competitive, immediately and in perspective.

The team is confirmed for the 2022 season in the Professional category with a block of experienced riders, who will be joined by young riders, with a pro contract , but under the age of 23 y.o. The team will therefore be larger and younger in line with the green philosophy promoted since 1982, the year when the team has been founded.

The new young riders will in fact be regularly under contract as professional riders and alongside the team’s experienced riders, but thanks to their young age they will have the opportunity to participate in competitions with their peers.

The Sports Director of reference for the under23 project will be Mirko Rossato, the under23 riders will however be professional athletes integrated in the team in all respects, having the opportunity to compare and compete together with more experienced teammates.

The project born from an idea of Bruno and Roberto Reverberi, is explained by its creators with these words“Cycling has always evolved and you have to anticipate and keep up with the times to be competitive. Since the birth of the #GreenTeam, our project has been based on young riders. Today, with the precocity of some talents and with the World Tour teams that draw directly from the Juniores, it became increasingly difficult to put the first choices under contract. It therefore becomes essential to anticipate the times and grow a battery of young riders with good potential inside the team. At the same time, young riders, who do not all mature at the same time, must be given the right opportunities to race, to grow, to compare both their peers and professionals, to bring them to express themselves to their full potential. They will learn from the most experienced riders, without being “burned” as often happens.

Our project, new in Italy, but already applied in Europe, has precisely these objectives. In fact, we will have a unique team made up of about 22 athletes, perfectly integrated among each other, but with a block of young Under23s, arriving from both the Under and the juniores who will also be able to participate in competitions of Under23 category. This will allow us to give everyone the right opportunities and times for growth. For those who prove to be ready during the season, there will be opportunities to participate in competitions among professionals, even at the first level, as happened, for example, to Filippo Zana in the last two years at the Giro d’Italia.

We want to launch new young talents, but in modern cycling to reach them you have to look to very young riders, to anticipate the big world tour teams. At the same time it is important to give the chance to the riders to race, and grow up year by year. This is the main goal of our new project.”


Here the names of the 8 riders inside the team that could take part also to the Under23 category races, in the upcoming season.


Alex Tolio – 2000

Martin Marcellusi – 2000

Tomas Trainini – 2000

Alessio Martinelli – 2001

Alessio Nieri – 2001

Iker Bonillo – 2003

Alessandro Pinarello – 2003

Giulio Pellizzari – 2003