22.12.2021 · In evidence


Bardiani CSF Faizanè and Alè Cycling choose the continuity, chromatic and technical, for the 2022 season. The #Greenteam riders will wear the PR-S line, in cyclamen and green colors, with a new white side band to accommodate the main novelty among sponsors. After the debut at the Giro 2021, Ghigi 1870 will in fact be the new sponsor of the side band of the new jersey. Something new also on the chest with the entry of BF.

Alè Cycling will design and realize the Bardiani CSF Faizanè 2022 new kit.

The team leaded by Bruno and Roberto Reverberi and the technical clothing company led by Alessia Piccolo, will continue in the name of stylistic and technical continuity.

The product line supplied to the team will be the PR-S, the top-of-the-range line designed for competitions and perfect for the high number of hours spent on the bike by the pro-riders. At a chromatic level, cyclamen and green will continue to be the predominant colors, with a greater consistency of white, which in addition to continuing to be the background of the 3 main sponsors, will also develop on the sides, to welcome the new sponsor in the side band of the team: Ghigi 1870.

The Ghigi 1870 pasta factory, in fact, returned to cycling on the Bardiani CSF Faizanè jerseys, on the occasion of the Giro d’Italia 2021. On that occasion a special edition jersey was created, to welcome back the pasta manufacturer on the chest. From 2022 Ghigi will also be present on the side band, for a big return in cycling, after 70 years from the historic sponsorship of the homonymous Ghigi 1870 team.

Another important news at the sponsor level is represented by BF, a company active in the Italian agro-industrial chain, which will insert its own brand on the chest of the Bardiani CSF Faizanè team jersey for the entire 2022 season.



Roberto Reverberi, team manager of Bardiani CSF Faizanè:

“We are happy to give continuity with all our top technical partners, in order to provide to our riders top materials. Alè Cycling represents excellence in the sector and the PR-S line fully satisfies us from every point of view. 2022 will also be important for us from the point of view of the new sponsors on the jersey. After his great return to the Giro d’Italia 2021, we are happy to confirm Ghigi 1870 also on the 2022 jersey. To have brought back to great cycling after 70 years, an historic brand such as Ghigi 1870, is a great honor for us and we are happy to confirm it and consolidate its fixed presence on our jersey in a premium position such as the side band. With them we remark also the important entry of BF on the chest of our shirt. Two important entries that allow us to look to the future with further optimism .”

Alessia Piccolo – Alè Cycling: “Alè has a know-how of over 30 years and at the same time it is a young brand, these two characteristics of experience and freshness are well associated with the Bardiani project where we find the many years of Bruno Reverberi’s experience and the freshness of his young roaster. As for our World Tour teams, we will make our PR-S line available to Bardiani, which I like to point out, is also available as customized line for the most demanding amateurs.”


Mauro Tonello – Ghigi:

“It is an honor for us to be sponsor of Bardiani CSF Faizanè team, and to be in the pro cycling world with pasta produced using ancient cappelli wheat that it gives its best in the sport. It is a wheat that brings with it a very different gluten. other grains and that also through scientific research conducted by the Gemelli Polyclinic turns out to be more digestible, lighter, creating less joint problems and giving a lot of proteins. A winning combination with the world of sport and with the #GreenTeam that, like us, chooses Made in Italy, sure of the guarantees we can give to our consumers. ”



The team will wear the PR-S line, acronym for Pro Racing System, born from the close collaboration and synergy with the professional teams with which the Alè brand collaborates. Fabrics that represent the top of technology and research. The distinctive points of this special line are the attention to aerodynamics through the “Body Mapping” and the anatomical construction, which allows to structure the garments for ventilation, protection and transpiration needs. The two main colors remain those introduced in 2020, green and cyclamen, with a greater presence of white, which will extend to the side band to welcome the new sponsor Ghigi. Finally, the green on the shoulders, sleeves and neck makes the uniform evident and distinctive even from a big distance.


For Ghigi 1870 this is a great return, which follows the appearance on the special edition uniform of the Bardiani CSF Faizanè team at the last Giro d’Italia.

For Ghigi 1870 this is a great comeback. The first Ghigi cycling teamcar was in fact realized in 1951, exactly 70 years ago. Ghigi 1870 have been also a main sponsor of a professional team from 1958 to 1962, in those years Ghigi 1870 reached its production top level, becoming the third pasta manufacturer brand nationwide, producing over 220 quintals of pasta every day, with its 400 employees. After a negative period, in 2009 the history of Ghigi restarts from its own traditions, but with a new overlook to the future, focusing on special values as quality and the 100% Italian and guaranteed supply chain. Starting from 2019, Ghigi 1870 enters the corporate group of BF Spa. 2021 represented an important year for the brand with a new commercial network and with its great return to cycling and in the Giro d’Italia, as a sponsor of the most important Italian team, the Bardiani CSF Faizanè.

The success achieved in 2021 led the collaboration to a further step in 2022, with the passage of the Ghigi brand in the prestigious position of “side band”.

On the chest of the jersey, the team welcomes the new sponsor BF.

B.F. S.p.A. is a holding company, listed on the Milan stock exchange, which includes institutional investors, credit institutions and private entrepreneurs among its shareholders. The company is active, through its branch, in all sectors of the Italian agro-industrial chain: from the selection, processing and commercialization of seeds (through SIS Società Italiana Sementi SpA), to the ownership of the lands from which agricultural products 100% Made in Italy are obtained (through Bonifiche Ferraresi SpA Società Agricola, the largest agricultural Italian company for UAA – Utilized Agricultural Area), to their transformation and commercialization (through BF Agro-Industriale srl, Ghigi 1870) through its own distribution brand (Le Stagioni d’Italia) or in partnership with the most important retail chains. The company is also active in the services market for agricultural operators (through IBF Servizi S.p.A. in partnership with ISMEA, the financial institution of Mipaaf, e-GEOS – Leonardo Group and A2A SmartCity).

Further information please visit the website “www.bfspa.it”.