02.05.2022 · Lineups


Here are the fantastic 8 that will compose the official line-up for the most important event of the whole season: the Giro d'Italia. At the start one rider already winner of stages in the Pink Ride, such as Sacha Modolo, young riders determined to win such as Filippo Fiorelli and Filippo Zana, riders ready to be in the right breakaway such as Alessandro Tonelli, Samuele Zoccarato and Davide Gabburo and a rookie, ready to make his debut at his first year as a pro like Luca Rastelli. Several skills, a common goal: the stage victory.

In just over a week, the Giro d’Italia will officially kick off, with the big start in Budapest scheduled for Friday 6 May. After the Hungarian start, then it will be Italy, from Sicily until the finish-line of Verona on 29th of May. In the middle the show of the Corsa Rosa, in which the 8 riders of the Bardiani CSF Faizanè will take part.


For the team leaded by Bruno Reverberi, General Manager of the team, this will be the 40th participation in the Giro: “We are in our 40th participation and in history we are one of the teams in the world with the most stage victories in the Giro. As per tradition this will be our goal, and if these come with riders we have launched into professionalism in recent years, it will be a great satisfaction. For us and for our sponsors this is the most important event of the season, for that reason, as usual, we will try to be in evidence in every moment of the race. “



A selection of 8 riders with complementary characteristics, to be protagonists on all kind of roads, from sprints to climbs and above all to attack. A mix of youth, with a ’98 class, two ’99 class and a rookie, but also experience with one rider already capable of winning 2 stages of the Giro like Sacha Modolo. Stopped by the bronchitis Enrico Battaglin, that will not be able to be part of the Roster.


The line-up, selected by Sports Director Roberto Reverberi, has a clear objective: “We think we have built a well-balanced line-up to be protagonists in every phase of this Giro d’Italia. Our goal is to return to the stage victory. Clearly the level of competition is very high, but unexpected possibilities always open up at the Giro, especially for stage victories. Our task will be to be always ready and present. We have riders at the start who know how to prepare for these kind of big races and who have already proved to be successful like Sacha Modolo. Others who, thanks to the experience gained in previous editions, such as Fiorelli, Zana and Zoccarato, will know how to be ready to seize the opportunities that arise. We have men who know how to see and hit breakaway like few others, like our veteran Alessandro Tonelli. There will the climber Luca Covili for most demanding stages, and Davide Gabburo who last edition was penalized by falls is looking for another chance and finally a young rider, ready to have an important experience, like Luca Rastelli. A nice mix of riders, with different skills, but designed to achieve a common goal: to be protagonists.”


Sacha Modolo (1987) is at his tenth participation in the Corsa Rosa, he returns to the Giro after 2 years of absence. Among the 47 successes collected in his career, there are also two stage victories in the Giro d’Italia and in the sprint arrivals he is ready to sting again.


Filippo Fiorelli (1994), the Sicilian rider launched by the #GreenTeam is in his third year as a professional and his third participation in the Corsa Rosa. After his first career victory at the Porec Trophy in 2021, he is on the hunt for his first Italian success. Missed twice with two third places in the recent Giro di Sicilia, he is determined to reach the success in a stage of the Giro d’Italia. In the 2021 edition of the pink race he took a prestigious 3rd place in the Sestola and two top 10.


Filippo Zana (1999), the ’99 class from Veneto will be one of the two youngest rider of the team in the line-up of the Giro, but is already in his third participation, demonstrating the space left to young riders by the #GreenTeam. After the 7th place achieved in the 2021 edition in the Stradella stage, the successes achieved at the Sazka Tour, the Istrian Trophy and the excellent performances with the national team jersey, at the Giro 2022 he is determined to reach a victory.


Samuele Zoccarato (1998), born in 1998, 3rd place in the Italian road championship in 2021, has already been the protagonist of numerous breakaways and actions in the last Giro d’Italia, such as at the Strade Bianche. In 2022, on his second participation in the Corsa Rosa, he gained the right experience to try to sting with one of his actions from afar.


Alessandro Tonelli (1992), for the 29-year-old from Brescia, in the eighth season with the Bardiani CSF Faizanè jersey, will be at his third participation in the Giro d’Italia. His absence from the 2021 Giro due to a covid swab, which was later found to be a “false positive”, will be a further stimulus to his desire for make great things in this edition. Protagonist in the breakway for 4 consecutive years at the Milano-Sanremo, also in the Giro d’Italia he demonstrated his ability to hit important actions. His best stage finish to date at the Corsa Rosa is 10th place in San Daniele del Friuli.


Davide Gabburo (1993), fourth year as a professional, second participation in the Giro d’Italia, both in Bardiani CSF Faizanè jersey. In the 2021 edition for him a Corsa Rosa conditioned by falls, which did not allow him to express himself at his best. In 2022 the great opportunity to try to leave the sign.


Luca Covili (1997), for the 25 year old from Pavullo nel Frignano, will be the third participation in the Corsa Rosa. Climber skills, highlighted since the youth categories at the Giro della Valle d’Aosta, and in 2021 among professionals with 6th place in the general classification of the Sazka Tour and 7th place overall in the Adriatica Ionica Race. At the Giro 2022 he will be called to represent the team on the run in the stages where the road will be harder and more demanding.


Luca Rastelli (1999), is the rookie of this edition’s #Greenteam and the youngest Italian rider at the start. As it was for Samuele Zoccarato in 2021 and for Fiorelli and Zana in 2020, he is first of all called to gain important experience in what will be the longest race of his young career. Climber, 10th in the stage of Etna at the recent Giro di Sicilia and already protagonist of the attack in some World Tour races at the beginning of the season such as the UAE Tour and the Amstel Gold Race. After having raced 3 editions of the Giro d’Italia Under23 he is now ready to face the Giro d’Italia.


Sports Directors: Roberto Reverberi, Alessandro Donati.