27.05.2022 · Results


Alessandro Tonelli third place in the nineteenth stage of the Giro d’Italia. After numerous attempts, the rider of Bardiani CSF Faizanè gets into the right breakaway, once again demonstrating the excellent race strategy of Bardiani CSF Faizanè in this Giro d’Italia.

At the Giro d’Italia the breakaway wins again, and once again Bardiani CSF Faizanè responds present. Third stage place for Alessandro Tonelli, his best placement in the Giro d’Italia in his career, and best result of the season for him after fourth place in the UAE Tour, reached again from a breakaway action.

The Bardiani CSF Faizanè breakaway specialist, protagonist of the attack even at the last Milan-Sanremo, manages today to get into the right attack, after so much bad luck in the previous days in which he had always been very active. Twelve men initially attacked, but the Kolovrat greatly reduced the number of attackers. An excellent management on the Kolovrat allows him to stay with the best at the breakaway and play his cards at the end of the stage, where five riders remain to battle for final success. Third stage place in the Giro d’Italia which leaves him with a lot of satisfaction.

These are the words of Alessandro Tonelli on the finish line: “Making the third stage of the Giro d’Italia is a wonderful emotion. I finally managed to get into the right escape. Many times in the past few days I went in and did several km wind in my face, also entering in and then being closed by the group. Today we started really strong, over 60km / h on average in the first hour and we took off. I tried to manage myself well to play my chances in the final. I was aware that I was beaten in the sprint so I tried to anticipate but they closed me. We did not expect the last corner so at a right angle and the two of them went a bit long. This very important placement, after the excellent results of my teammates, is the demonstration that the team’s tactic of focusing on important breakaway worked perfectly. Where we reached the finish line we are never missing, unlike others. The energies after this day are low, but the head knows that tomorrow is the last stage in line so if there is an opportunity, why not try again. “

A podium, that of Alessandro Tonelli, who joins the 2nd place of Davide Gabburo in Naples, the 4th place of Gabburo in Treviso, the 6th place of Luca Covili in Cogne and the 9th of Sacha Modolo in Reggio Emilia . Many appearances in major escapes, as well as in the stages of Genoa and Turin, which confirm the goodness of the strategy implemented by Roberto Reverberi and the team