30.04.2021 · In evidence


It is official the Giro d’Italia line-up of the Bardiani CSF Faizanè. Giovanni Visconti and Enrico Battaglin the leaders. Filippo Fiorelli and Giovanni Carboni, among best young riders of the Giro 2020 and 2019 edition, ready to confirm themselves. Alessandro Tonelli for the breakaways. Davide Gabburo and Umberto Marengo will make their official debut, together with the neo-pro Samuele Zoccarato.

One week to the official Big start of the Giro d’Italia and the team line-up is yet official. These are the 8 riders ready to ride from Torino to Milano, from 8th to 30th of May.


Giovanni Visconti and Enrico Battaglin the two experienced leaders, ready to lead their teammates in race, but above all riders ready to win, as both of them already did in the past. Two stage victories, out of 34 career successes, won at the Giro by Giovanni Visconti, without forgetting the jersey of best climber won in 2015. Three wins in the Corsa Rosa for Enrico Battaglin, two of which won precisely with the Bardiani CSF Faizanè team.


Filippo Fiorelli and Giovanni Carboni were the two Italian revelation of the last two editions of the Giro d’Italia. The Sicilian rider in 2020, facing the Giro as a neo-pro, became the protagonist in various stages, conquering two top 10 and showing his fast skills. His 2021 started in the best way with 1 win and 4 podiums and he arrives at the Giro in great condition to confirm himself. Giovanni Carboni, on the other hand, wore the white jersey of best young rider of the Giro for 4 stages in the 2019 edition, subsequently confirming himself as one of the team’s best riders for climb arrivals.


Alessandro Tonelli is the fifth name of the line-up, riding with the team for the seventh consecutive year, he is a team-worker always ready to be in the right breakaway especially when the road starts to climb.


As usual for the Bardiani CSF Faizanè there are chances also for riders that will face a Great Tour for the first time. Davide Gabburo and Umberto Marengo will face their first Giro d’Italia with the #GreenTeam. Davide Gabburo has already won in the start of this season, while Umberto Marengo, a Piedmontese rider, living in Turin, will experience the thrill of his debut right on his home roads. With them Samuele Zoccarato, rookie and neo-pro, ready to gain experience on the roads of the Giro d’Italia after a first part of the season in which he has already demonstrated his skills as a rider able to be in the breakaways with great tenacity, as in the action undertaken at Strade Bianche.



This is the technical comment of the team manager Roberto Reverberi on the choices made in agreement with Bruno Reverberi: “The line-up was set up trying to take above all, experienced riders and who obviously are in the best condition, able to face the three hard weeks because the level of competition, in particular this year, it is very high. We therefore had to select among the young riders with excellent potential that we have in the roster, those able to work over the three weeks and manage to recover energies. For this reason, in some choices we have given more space to riders with more experience in managing the race. Giovanni Visconti and Enrico Battaglin will be for sure more than ready in their stages and will be very important leaders inside the race. Filippo Fiorelli was the revelation of the Giro 2020, he will do the group sprints together with Enrico Battaglin. Giovanni Carboni and Alessandro Tonelli are two important riders for the most demanding stages, while Davide Gabburo and Umberto Marengo, both in their first experience in a Grand Tour, are riders with an important fast sprint in case of arrival of the breakaways they can play their chances. Finally, the neo-pro we have selected to allow him to gain experience is Samuele Zoccarato, who has already proven to have an excellent condition. It will be a challenging, high-level Giro in which even to go on the break I foresee there will be tussle, so it is essential to be ready. We arrive at the most important race of the season with great confidence in our skills and with a good condition, after two months in which we have already collected many important results.”



Giovanni Visconti (1983)

Enrico Battaglin (1989)

Filippo Fiorelli (1994)

Giovanni Carboni (1995)

Alessandro Tonelli (1992)

Davide Gabburo (1993)

Umberto Marengo (1992)

Samuele Zoccarato (1998)