17.05.2021 · In evidence


Tenth stage of the Giro d’Italia race to attack for Umberto Marengo. For the rider from Turin, 85 km rode to attack in today's stage, which are added to the 412 run in the 3 previous escapes. Unlucky Fiorelli good at remaining in the first group with few sprinters left but blocked by a fall in the final that split the group in two parts.

Umberto Marengo is again the protagonist of the day, good at getting back into the breakaway, for the fourth time in 9 stages in a line, in what is his first Giro d’Italia. Umberto Marengo thus increases his tally of km traveled in breakaways and placements at the intermediate sprint, consolidating his second place for n. of km run in the Giro and undermining the first position of the special ranking of intermediate sprint.

If the first goal of the Bardiani CSF Faizanè team today was to hit the breakaway, the second was not to be caught unprepared on the GPM of the day with their men for the final part of the race, such as Fiorelli and Battaglin. The Bora team in fact imposed a very intense speed by breaking up the group and “eliminating” many top sprinters from the fight for the final victory. Filippo Fiorelli, thanks also to the precious help of teammates like Carboni, made himself ready, remaining in the first group. So good the movements of Enrico Battaglin and Filippo Fiorelli who were in the upper part of the group when a fall by a DSM athlete broke the group blocking Fiorelli (not involved but stopped) and Enrico Battaglin (involved in the fall but without consequences).

Filippo Fiorelli: I am disappointed for the final because we had really worked well for the whole stage, building the conditions for an important placement by missing many sprinters. I have to thank Carboni who supported me on the climb, Battaglin who kept me in front in the final. Unfortunately the falls are part of the game, there the group broke up and I was unable to return. In any case, our balance on this first day of rest is positive, in just one week we have increased the results compared to the last Giro, the whole team has grown a lot.”

Umberto Marengo“Another day at the attack, fortunately tomorrow is the rest day, I really need to recover energy. I was able to gain some points on the intermediate sprint on Pellaud, but I lost something in the other ranking of km in the breakaway, it will be a good battle with him in these special rankings.”

Good news for the team, Davide Gabburo also managed to complete the stage, despite yesterday’s ruinous crash which left him with numerous bruises. The athlete with great tenacity set off again this morning, completing the race with the aim of reaching the rest day to recover better.